Box set: Pioneers: First Women Filmmakers
Barcode 738329234119
Release Date 11/20/2018

Two Little Rangers
Solax Film Company (1912)
Drama, Western
In Collection
Seen ItNo
IMDB   5.6
15 mins USA / English
Vinnie Burns
Blanche Cornwall
Gladys Egan Gladys - The Postmaster's Daughter
Magda Foy May - The Postmaster's Daughter
Alice Guy

"Wild Bill" Gray is a renegade and a wife-beater. He is about to start on some expedition of crime and his wife implores him to stay at home. She receives a beating for her trouble. Jim, a cowboy, rides past the shack, hears Mrs. Gray's screams and interferes, and takes Mrs. Gray over to his friend, the postmaster, so that she may have a good home. "Wild Bill" plans vengeance. Paxton, the postmaster, starts for the station with money and gold, and is accompanied a short way by Jim. Gray sneaks after them. After going with Paxton a short distance, Jim takes a turn in the road and Paxton rides on alone. Gray closes up on the postmaster, gets the drop on him, but Paxton is quick and there's a hand-to-hand struggle. Bill, however, worsts Paxton, and finally sends him over a precipice. But in falling, Paxton falls into a tree and thus is saved from sure death.
Edition Details
No. of Discs/Tapes 1
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