Sex And The City: Season 6
Home Box Office (HBO) (2003)
TV Series  /  Comedy, Drama, Romance
In Collection
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IMDB   7.3
270 mins USA / English
DVD  Region 1   US - TV-14
Sarah Jessica Parker Carrie Bradshaw
Kim Cattrall Samantha Jones
Cynthia Nixon Miranda Hobbes
Kristin Davis Charlotte York
Jason Lewis Jerry 'Smith' Jerrod
Evan Handler Harry Goldenblatt
David Eigenberg Steve Brady
Mikhail Baryshnikov Aleksandr Petrovsky
Lynn Cohen Magda
Willie Garson Stanford Blatch
Ron Livingston Jack Berger
Mario Cantone Anthony Marantino
Chris Noth Mr. Big
Blair Underwood Dr. Robert Leeds
Sean Palmer Marcus
Anne Meara Mary Brady
Pierre Epstein Rabbi Minsch
Andrew Stewart-Jones Jules
James Thomas Bligh Hora Dancer #2
Eleni Fuaixis Debbie
Timothy Van Patten
Michael Engler
David Frankel
Michael Patrick King
Producer Jenny Bicks
Cindy Chupack
Eric M. Cyphers
Antonia Ellis
Writer Darren Star
Candace Bushnell
Liz Tuccillo
Amy Harris
Cinematography John Thomas
Florian Ballhaus
Musician Bob Christianson
Didier Rachou
Kenneth Burgomaster
Keith Crane III

The narrative of the show focuses on Carrie Bradshaw and her three best friends, Miranda Hobbes, Charlotte York and Samantha Jones. The women discuss their sexual desires and fantasies, and their travels in life, love and lesbianism. The show often depicts frank discussions about romance and sexuality, features a short montage of interviews of people living in New York City.
 30 mins    6/22/2003  1.  To Market, To Market
Carrie believes her "stock" has gone up thanks to her hot date with new flame Jack Berger. Meanwhile, Miranda faces her true feelings about Steve, Charlotte is dismayed by Harry's refusal to marry a non-Jew, and Samantha bemoans the gentrification of her area until a new stockbroker neighbor begins eliciting moans of another tenor.
Director:  Michael Patrick King  Writer:  Michael Patrick King 
 30 mins    6/29/2003  2.  Great Sexpectations
Carrie and Jack's relationship is moving along perfectly. Their first few dates are nearly flawless, and are filled with steamy displays of public affection. Unfortunately, after a night of "quiet sex," Carrie discovers that the passion the two share doesn't translate to the bedroom. Meanwhile, when Samantha introduces the girls to a "raw foods" restaurant, she discovers that she wants something that's not on the menu... a date with the hot waiter. Unfortunately, Samantha isn't the only woman interested in the staff. Later in the week, Sam returns to the restaurant, determined to be the last one there at the end of the night, allowing her to take the waiter home for dessert. After many hours (and four courses of uncooked food), Samantha finally gets her man and soon finds out that he was worth both the wait and the wheatgrass. Hoping to fill the Steve-sized hole in her life, Miranda finds a new love, TiVO. Miranda's relationship luck remains consistent (consistently bad), as Magda acci
Director:  Michael Patrick King  Writer:  Cindy Chupack 
 30 mins    7/6/2003  3.  The Perfect Present
Carrie visits Berger's apartment for the first time and discovers his "ex-file." Meanwhile, Charlotte sacrifices pieces of her past as the day of her official conversion to Judaism approaches; a diaper bag-discovery forces Miranda to deal with the reality of Steve's new relationship; and in a bit of role-reversal, Samantha "waits" on Jerry the waiter.
Director:  David Frankel  Writer:  Cindy Chupack 
 30 mins    7/13/2003  4.  Pick-A-Little, Talk-A-Little
Carrie brings Berger out for a dinner with the girls, and the conversation flows smoothly, but things come to a screeching halt when Berger gives Miranda some blunt advice about her lovelife. The advice may be difficult to hear, but ultimately, Berger scores points with the girls for his honesty. Later that night, Carrie and Berger share their first "I Love Yous," and things couldn't seem to get any better. Unfortunately, they soon get worse. Berger gives Carrie a copy of his book, "Hurricane Pandora." Carrie loves his writing, but gently ribs him for having a female protagonist from New York that wears a hair scrunchy. Berger does not take to this light criticism well, shutting down completely, and becoming very cold to our Ms. Bradshaw. Meanwhile, Samantha and Jerry's sex life is heating up, with the pair acting out several different fantasies in the bedroom. Sometimes Jerry plays an IRS agent, other times a doctor... but the scenarios always end with a steamy bedroom encounter. Whil
Director:  David Frankel  Writer:  Julie Rottenberg  /  Elisa Zuritsky 
 30 mins    7/20/2003  5.  Lights, Camera, Relationship!
Carrie's relative success brings out the worst in Berger; Samantha turns on her hype machine to help Jerry; Miranda and Steve spend a surprise evening together.
 30 mins    7/27/2003  6.  Hop, Skip, and a Week
Charlotte gets unwanted attention at the synagogue; Samantha's PR machine works a little too well; Miranda feels the pressure of being a lawyer and a single mother.
 30 mins    8/3/2003  7.  The Post-it Always Sticks Twice
Carrie and the girls are meeting for their usual breakfast when two bombshells are dropped. The good news is that Charlotte and Harry are engaged... but the bad news is that Berger dumped Carrie via a Post-it note earlier that morning. Carrie swears that she will refrain from giving Berger the satisfaction of an angry message, but winds up inadvertantly leaving one after badmouthing him to some of his friends at an exclusive club. Charlotte absolutely basks in the glow of her engagement to Harry. Her ring is enormous (and patterned after the one given by Richard Burton to Elizabeth Taylor), and all seems well. All, that is, except for the nagging feeling that somehow this second marriage will be somewhat less special than her first. She tells the girls that this wedding will be far less elaborate than the last, releasing them from bridesmaid duties. Charlotte's attitude changes after running into a enthusiastic barhopping bridal party, rejuvenating her spirits and causing her to re-enl
Writer:  Liz Tuccillo 
 30 mins    8/10/2003  8.  The Catch
An assignment sends Carrie to explore the newest pastime for singles in New York... swinging through the air on the flying trapeze. Try as she might, Carrie just can't allow herself to let go of the bar and allow her instructor to catch her. While relating this situation to the girls, Harry appears and introduces Carrie to his best man for the upcoming nuptials. After much coaxing, Carrie allows herself a one-nighter with her fellow member of the wedding party, but winds up wildly unsatisfied after he proves to be a less than sensitive lover. Also having relationship issues are Miranda and Samantha. Miranda finds herself hiding underneath her bed (nestled next to Fatty) when Steve drops by unexpectedly with his girlfriend Debbie. Miranda realizes that if she were to actually meet Debbie, she'd have to admit that Steve has found somebody else, and that's not something that she's overly eager to do. Equally troubled is Samantha, for loathe as she may be to admit it, Samantha realizes tha
Director:  Alan Taylor  Writer:  Cindy Chupack 
 30 mins    8/17/2003  9.  A Woman's Right to Shoes
Carrie and Stanford attend a baby shower thrown by their friends Kyra and Chuck. Upon arriving, they discover that Kyra's house rules include the removal of all footwear, regardless if doing so will destroy a carefully crafted outfit. The evening is pleasant enough, but when Carrie plans to leave the party, she discovers that her brand new Manolos have been stolen. Later, Kyra offers to pay for the missing shoes, but balks when she discovers that they cost $485. Carrie winds up leaving the apartment with no compensation, and a sense of shoe-induced shame. She wonders if she has somehow made a mistake by choosing the lifestyle that she did, rather than the more traditional one chosen by Kyra. Miranda finds herself with three separate problems: an open apartment in her building, Brady suffering from the chickenpox and her own growing need for male companionship. Luckily, one person solves all three problems, as Dr. Robert Leeds takes the vacancy and helps Miranda care for her sick child.
Director:  Timothy Van Patten  / Tim Van Patten  Writer:  Jenny Bicks 
 30 mins    8/24/2003  10.  Boy, Interrupted
Carrie receives a pleasant surprise when her high school boyfriend, Jeremy, calls her up and asks her to meet for dinner. The pair broke up in High School, but their chemistry leads them to instantly reconnect. Everything seems perfect, until he reveals one fairly shocking bit of information... he is actually in the area because he's committed himself to a Connecticut mental facility. The New York City summer heat is driving Samantha crazy, but equally frustrating is her inability to be granted access to SoHo, an exclusive club that features a fabulous swimming pool. Luckily for Sam, she finds a misplaced ID card that grants her access to the club, so long as she doesn't mind answering to the name Annabelle Bronstein. Unfortunately, a SoHo employee blows the lid off the deception, causing Samantha to beat a hasty retreat back into the sweltering Manhattan streets. Approving Dr. Leeds' application to live in her apartment building proves to be one of the best decisions that Miranda has
Director:  Timothy Van Patten  / Tim Van Patten  Writer:  Cindy Chupack 
 30 mins    9/7/2003  11.  The Domino Effect
Big visits New York for what could be the moneyed mystery man's last chance with Carrie. In the meantime, Miranda pursues a relationship with Dr. Robert; Charlotte visits a Chinese fertility doctor; and freewheeling Samantha balks at holding hands.
Director:  David Frankel  Writer:  Elisa Zuritsky  /  Julie Rottenberg 
 30 mins    9/14/2003  12.  One
Alexander Petrovsky, an internationally acclaimed artist who sweeps Carrie off her feet show up in her romance life. In the meantime, Miranda and Steve celebrate Brady's first birthday; Samantha frets about her appearance "down there;" and Charlotte receives some surprise news.
Director:  David Frankel  Writer:  Michael Patrick King 
 30 mins    1/4/2004  13.  Let There Be Light
After much consideration, Carrie decides that she will begin sleeping with Petrovsky, but rejects Charlotte's suggestion that an actual relationship between the two could develop. The pair spend a wonderful night together, but the next morning, Carrie is shocked to find that Petrovsky's apartment is also a hub for his business, with a living room full of his employees. Petrovsky serves Carrie a wonderful breakfast, but she wonders if she's just the latest in a long line of conquests for the artist. Steve moves into Miranda's apartment, but the newly-recoupled couple finds that they have to deal with unfortunate run-ins with Dr. Robert Leeds. Robert goes out of his way to make Miranda uncomfortable, leading Miranda to conclude that he's become obsessed with her. Eventually, Steve decides to talk things out with Robert, but winds up interrupting Leeds in an intimate moment with two other women. Instead of dealing a blow to Miranda's ego by telling her that Robert is over her, Steve choos
Director:  Michael Patrick King  Writer:  Michael Patrick King 
 30 mins    1/11/2004  14.  The Ick Factor
The relationship between Carrie and Petrovsky continues to develop, but one thing continues to nag at Carrie. Petrovsky is given to grand gestures of affection (including poetry reading and the composition of original love songs), and that's a bit too much for this slightly cynical New York girl. When Petrovsky takes Carrie to a premiere at the Met, she literally swoons. To balance things out, the artist takes her to McDonald's, where the pair become the most elegantly dressed duo in the establishment's history. Steve and Miranda decide to finally tie the knot, but vow not to have an elaborate wedding. Keeping things low-key isn't as easy as it sounds, but they eventually manage to work things out, finding a perfect community garden in which to hold their ceremony. Not to be left behind in the romance department, Harry takes Charlotte to an upscale French restauarant. The meal is wonderful, but later that night, the newlyweds both come down with acute food poisoning. The romantic eveni
Director:  Wendey Stanzler  Writer:  Julie Rottenberg  /  Elisa Zuritsky 
 30 mins    1/18/2004  15.  Catch-38
Carrie deals with her feelings towards having a baby and her new relationship with Aleksandr. In the meantime, Charlotte baby-sits for Brady; Miranda and Steve go on a honeymoon, and Samantha uses her public relations to get an appointment with a doctor.
Writer:  Cindy Chupack 
 30 mins    1/25/2004  16.  Out of the Frying Pan
Aleksandr prefers strong coffee and stronger realities. In the meantime, Charlotte runs to escape the pain of not having a child and bumps into a small bundle of joy; Miranda puts her own desires aside and emphasizes Steve's; and Samantha audaciously gets a new hairstyle.
Director:  Michael Engler  Writer:  Jenny Bicks 
 30 mins    2/1/2004  17.  The Cold War
Carrie avoids the cold weather with Aleksandr; Charlotte and her new "baby" enjoy the spotlight; Miranda toasts her new home; Samantha circulates a steamy video.
Director:  Julian Farino  Writer:  Aury Wallington 
 30 mins    2/8/2004  18.  Splat!
Carrie considers Aleksandr's question; Charlotte uses her maternal instincts and Miranda admits concerns about Aleksandr.
Director:  Julian Farino  Writer:  Cindy Chupack  /  Jenny Bicks 
 30 mins    2/15/2004  19.  An American Girl in Paris: Part Une
Before leaving for Paris, Carrie runs into Big outside of her apartment, but she makes it clear to him that she wants him totally out of her life. Ms. Bradshaw then has one last dinner with Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda, and it's clear that the four women know that Carrie's absence will have a major impact on all of their lives.
Director:  Timothy Van Patten  / Tim Van Patten  Writer:  Michael Patrick King 
 30 mins    2/22/2004  20.  An American Girl in Paris: Part Deux
After Petrovsky leaves Carrie behind for a second time in Paris, she begins to wonder if she's doomed to follow in Juliet's footsteps. Back in New York, Samantha's chemo treatments are killing her sex drive, and she tries to push Smith away in an attempt to cope with it. Hoping to adopt a baby, Charlotte and Harry host an expectant couple from North Carolina, with the intent of acquiring their unborn child.
Director:  Timothy Van Patten  / Tim Van Patten  Writer:  Michael Patrick King 
 30 mins  21. 
Edition Details
Edition Part Two
Series Sex and the City
Distributor HBO Home Video
Release Date 12/28/2004
Packaging Keep Case
Screen Ratio Fullscreen (4:3)
Subtitles English; French; Spanish; English (Closed Captioned)
Audio Tracks Dolby Digital 5.1 [English]
Dolby Digital Stereo [Spanish]
Dolby Digital Surround [English]
Layers Single Side, Single Layer
No. of Discs/Tapes 3
Personal Details
Links IMDB

Disc 01 3 alternate endings from the final episode Never-before-seen deleted scenes