Miss Scarlet And The Duke: Season 1
Element 8 Entertainment (2021)
TV Series  /  Drama, Crime
In Collection
Seen ItNo
IMDB   7.6
300 mins USA / English
DVD    US - TV-14
Danny Midwinter DS Frank Jenkins
Cathy Belton Ivy
Kate Phillips Eliza Scarlet
Stuart Martin William 'The Duke' Wellington
Kevin Doyle Henry Scarlet
Andrew Gower Rupert Parker
Ansu Kabia Moses
Matthew Malone PC Clarence Honeychurch
Nick Dunning Superintendent Stirling
Simon Ludders Mr. Potts
Richard Evans Herr Hildegard
Amy McAllister Tilly Hildegard
Helen Norton Mrs Parker
Sean Duggan Padre
Steve Gunn Terrence Davidson Merritt
Caitlin Drabble Margaret Fairfax
Barry McKiernan Doctor Edwards
Kevin Eldon Jacob Bunce
Hugh O'Conor James Henderson
Aidan McArdle Alfred Winters
Declan O'Dwyer
Producer Moreyba Bidessie
Aaron Farrell
Patrick Irwin
Jin Ishimoto
Writer Rachael New
Ben Edwards
Cinematography Russell Gleeson
Musician Tomas Daniels

When Eliza's father dies, he leaves her penniless in a time where marriage is her only option for financial security. But the headstrong Eliza is determined to find another way. Luckily, she has an ace up her bonnet – her father's business – a private detective agency. Eliza knows all the tricks of the trade but as a genteel 19th century lady she's never been allowed to put them into practice. To operate in this man's world, she needs a partner. Step forward Detective Inspector William Wellington of Scotland Yard, who is also known as "The Duke;" drinker, gambler and womaniser. Eliza and The Duke strike up a mismatched, fiery relationship that will crackle and smoulder with sexual tension as they team up to solve crime in the murkiest depths of 1880's London.
 50 mins    1/17/2021  1.  Inheritance
When Eliza Scarlett's father dies suddenly, she's faced with a stark choice. Accept the fact she is now penniless or take on and run her dad's detective business, but can she succeed against all the odds in this male-dominated world?
 50 mins    1/24/2021  2.  The Woman in Red
Eliza takes a seemingly impossible case: proving the innocence of a man found at a murder scene with a bloodied knife in his hand, who has already pleaded guilty.
 50 mins    1/31/2021  3.  Deeds Not Words
Scotland Yard has its eye on potentially disruptive gangs and political groups. Eliza is hired by The Duke to go undercover and infiltrate one such group.
 50 mins    2/7/2021  4.  Memento Mori
Eliza is hired by a Death Photographer who is receiving bizarre and threatening messages from beyond the grave, and later makes a surprising discovery about her late father.
 50 mins    2/14/2021  5.  Cell 99
The final entry in Henry Scarlet's casebook takes Eliza and Duke to a seemingly abandoned prison on the outskirts of London.
 50 mins    2/21/2021  6.  The Case of Henry Scarlet
Eliza pieces the puzzle together to find out what really happened to her father. Moses has lots of criminal connections, which make him a suspect during the investigation, but it could turn out to be someone who has been under Duke's nose.
Edition Details
Series Miss Scarlet and the Duke
No. of Discs/Tapes 1
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