The Vampire Affair - The Man from U.N.C.L.E. #6
David McDaniel
Ace (1966)
In Collection
Spy Stories
Fiction / Espionage, Fiction / Media Tie-In
In a remote area of the Transylvanian Alps, and U.N.C.L.E. agent has been killed in mysterious circumstances. The man’s footprints in the snow led up to the base of the tree where he had been killed, but there were no pursuing tracks, no clues at all as to what doom had overtaken him.There were only two small holes in the neck, and a complete absence of blood.Napoleon Solo and Illya Kuryakin didn’t believe in vampires – but as they investigated their fellow agent’s death they were forced again and again to wonder if perhaps the old terrors of the region had more reality than the world would like to think.
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No. of Pages 159
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