A Sense Of Humus
Bertha Clark Damon
In Collection
Country Life, Gardening, Gardeners

The trouble with most gardening books is that they are always commanding you to do something: prune, plant, how, sow, week … they forget that there are times when gardeners simply need to throw themselves into the depths of a favorite chair and read something entertaining about their passion – to smile at the foibles, fancies and fads of other gardeners, to be amused by their eccentricities, to share their tears and triumphs … and not to be overwhelmed with advice.
Garden literature contains some of the most entertaining writing in the world and, like gardening itself, is an infinite source of comedy and semi-tragedy, furnishing scope for the full range of human emotions. The collection of wit and wisdom offered in this volume is a somewhat kaleidoscopic affair; but no matter how the pieces are shaken or dipped into, the vibrant pattern that emerges reflects the humor, the color and vitality of the garden and its maker. We discover, in fact, that gardeners have a finely developed penchant for laughing at themselves and are possessed of a magnificent sense of humus.

This pot pourri of evergreen reading is enlivened by Diana Anthony’s own sharp wit and acute observations. It will entrance and entertain the perennial gardener in us all.
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No. of Pages 250
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