The Cloister and the Hearth
Charles Reade
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Historical Fiction
Middle Ages - Fiction, Monks - Fiction

The plot concerns Gerard Eliason, a young Dutch artist who abandons thought of the priesthood when he falls in love with Margaret Brandt. Gerard’s father opposes their engagement and arranges to have his son imprisoned. The young lovers find each other, but Gerard is soon forced to flee. While they are separated, Margaret gives birth to their son, of whose existence Gerard is unaware. Indeed, his enemies inform Gerard that Margaret is dead. Wild with grief, he eventually becomes a monk. Later the lovers are reunited and Gerard meets his son. Bound by his vows of celibacy, Gerard simply lives near Margaret, and both lead pious, charitable lives. Eventually Margaret dies from the plague and Gerard dies soon after. Their son is revealed to be the illustrious scholar and theologian Erasmus.
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