Play Winning Bridge with Any Partner, Even a Stranger
Charles H. Goren
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How To Books
Contract Bridge

This book shows you how to cope with bad players as well as good ones. lt tells you the best way to establish the conventions you both agree to use, the precise meanings of bids you make and cards you discard. It goes into preemptive bids and when and how to use them. lt analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of sacrifice bidding and comes to some surprising conclusions. It shows how to handle defensive play so that you frequently can set seemingly laydown contracts. Every phase of partnership bidding and play is taken up in Charles Goren's fascinating, provocative and frequently amusing book. ln addition, there are over fifty brilliant hands which demonstrate each point that is made. You will read this book again and again and you'll get copies for all your partners. As one reader said, “it’s exactly like kicking your partner under the table."
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No. of Pages 183
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