Deadly Legacy
Christina Blake
Harlequin (1982)
In Collection
Mystery Fiction
Voyages And Travels, Fiction / Mystery & Detective / Police Procedural
Paperback 9780373630455
Inspector Ronald Dobbs of Scotland Yard thought the Mediterranean cruise would be a good rest from fighting crime. And the shipboard masquerade ball was a good way to relax and have fun. But the mask of one of the revelers hid the face of a cunning murderer. And when a corpse in a fancy costume turned up, the party's festive air of make-believe was shattered by the grim reality of death. Suddenly the inspector's dream vacation had turned into a nightmare!
Product Details
LoC Classification CPBBoxno.1343 .vol. 23
LoC Control Number 98818524
Cover Price $2.25
No. of Pages 219
Height x Width 6.7  inch
Personal Details
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